Most of epigraphy is a puzzle! Putting together the fragments of a broken inscription; or aiming at restoring missing text; or; or; or. But some inscriptions - or their remains - are more tricky than others. If you would like to ask others to help with working out a specific epigraphic puzzle, you can do so through the medium of this site: please fill in the Puzzle Form and send it to our Puzzle Master (aka the Society's Honorary Secretary ...) to find out if your puzzle is suitable for dissemination via our website. Similarly, since epigraphy is very much a collaborative undertaking, this site also serves as a feedback port for ongoing epigraphic work. For current puzzles and feedback queries, just use the drop-down menu above (under 'Puzzles')!
Below: a picture of ... well, what?
Below: a picture of ... well, what?